Ardor Projects’ Events Calendar, Dec 3rd week

4 min readDec 17, 2021

All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.

— Michael John Bobak(Artist)

Source :

This Calendar will be updated on every Thursday.
All informations below are aggregated from Ardor community. If you have something to update, please send message to @Ardorbaby on Telegram.

What happened last week

■ (Dec 3rd) The new GPS Ecosystem Discord community has been launched
■ (Dec 5th) Mythical Beings, NFT collections are now also available on Polygon network thanks to the crossing bridge
■ (Dec 7th) New Ardor based project : EU-funded ‘Senator’ Freight Logistics Project leaded by Accenture and Correos
■ (Dec 8th) Cycle4Value has been awarded 2nd on Austrian Blockchain Award 2021 in the category R&D
■ (Dec 8th) Special edition of MAD(Media Arts & Design) Conference : Ardor based projects were presented - NFTMagic, Mythical Beings, Triffic, Cryptoc14
■ (Dec 9th) Cryptoc14, new videos of how it works and user interface walk through were released
■ (Dec 10th) Recorded video of MAD conference was released
■ (Dec 11th) Community day organized by Dr.Pfeiffer and wiremaster via Donau University Krems

/On going/

■ (Dec 1st ~ 24th) Frenchie NFT daily giveaway! : Follow @sigbroapp on twitter.


■ (Dec 12th) Mythical Beings Weekly Contest : Let’s conquer Facebook!
■ (Dec 14th) New Ardor based project : Crypto Heros — More info about project was shared by MRV777
■ (Dec 14th) Official GPS ECO wallet is now available on Google Playstore
■ (Dec 15th) Alberto(Jelurida) interview on IEB Spain : The political implications of the digital Euro as a bublic currency

■ (Dec) GPS ECO wallet will be available on Apple App Store
■ (Dec) Triffic will launch GPS Ecosystem Block Explorer
■ (Dec) Bridge Champ will implement : Open beta for casual games, Closed beta for mobile app, Beta version for bots
■ (Dec) Bridge Champ will implement : Casual games generally available, Simple bot generally available, Open beta for mobile app, Closed beta for tournaments
■ (Dec) Triffic will update official roadmap of GPS.ECO

■ (TBD) Ardor Roadmap update
■ (TBD) QualiSig prototype launch on Mainnet(Project Backed by Austria government)
■ (TBD) Coalculus(Partner) : Activate 4 enterprise chains on mainnet, Update on Enterprise chain eBmA
■ (TBD) update : Graphic Gallery for Ardor/Nxt memes, Graphic Gallery for Ardor/Nxt memes, Cabinet
■ (TBD) launches NFT Explorer start version

/TBD in 2022/

■ (Jan) Bridge Champ will implement : Mobile app generally available, Open beta for tournaments, Social networks integration
■ (Feb) GeoMorf Hatchlings Debut in Triffic
■ (Feb) Bridge Champ will implement : More tournaments trials and stabilization, Bot development open for 3rd parties, Token rewards for tournament achievements, Open Bridge Champ token deposits and withdrawals
■ (Mar) Bridge Champ will implement : Tournaments generally available, Bridge Champ token payments and rewards for tournaments, Closed beta for teaching module, NFT registration for acheivements
■ (Q2) Bridge Champ will implement : Teaching module generally available, Bot only tournaments, Minibridge support, Whist support
■ (Q3~4) Bridge Champ will implement : Deepen our support for the contract bridge game, Explore additional casual gaming platforms, Deepen our blockchain integration, Explore more advanced gaming bots

<Available now>

<Coming soon>

  • Geoblockchain : Esri Spain’s use case on Ardor. Esri is world №1 GIS software provider. Esri Spain is building tracking solution based on Ardor blockchain.
  • Bridge Champ : Jelurida’s first application to enter the casual gaming market for proof of concept as well as profit.
  • Hotcity( : An Austrian project that would let citizens submit data about industrial waste heat spots for district heating, receiving tokens as reward.(Funded by Austrian Gov)
  • QualiSig : Austrian Gov’t Pilot Aims to Secure COVID-19 Communications With Blockchain Tech
  • Cycle4value( :Austrian project to encourage cycling as transportation
  • TreeCoin( : An STO project aiming to reforestation.
  • MyDigiCert(Jelurida Africa) : A platform allows issuers to store certificates on the blockchain
  • Bogoshipo( : A pet game on Ignis child chain
  • Xendbit( : A fully decentralised blockchain platform that allows users to trade safely and securely without risking customer funds.
  • : An Ignis-based digital assets NFT marketplace
  • Crypto Heroes : An Ignis-based retro game dApp by MRV777
  • Senator( : EU-funded Freight Logistics Project leaded by Accenture and Correos

+More will soon get out of stealth mode.

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