Do your utmost even in trivial things.
From that, you can attain sincerity.
This sincerity becomes apparent.
From being manifest, it becomes brilliant.
Being brilliant, it affects others.
Affecting others, it changes them.
Changing people, it transforms everything.
It is only those with utmost sincerity who can transform everything, it will change everything; You and all over the world
If you do your utmost, one by one “The world will change.”
- Doctrine of the Mean(Zhongyong)

This Calendar will be updated on every Monday.
All informations below are aggregated from Ardor community. If you have some thing to update please send message to @Ardorbaby on Telegram.
What happened last week
■ On going, ABDC(Africa Blockchain Developers call) Series — Jelurida Africa
■ (Nov 4th) New listing — ARDR, IGNIS, NXT on Changelly Pro
■ (Nov 6th) “ and Blockchain in Fundraising and Giving” Lunch & Learn Presentation and Discussion with the Washington, DC Association of Fundraising Professionals
■ (Nov 7th) Launch of New Ardor Technical Forum
■ On going, ABDC(Africa Blockchain Developers call) Series — Jelurida Africa
■ On going, Community call to brainstorm about new bounty program — Slack #marketing
■ (Nov 11th) Submission Due date for Competition for New slack community logo
■(~Nov 13th) Iteration / field test of HotCity start
■(~Nov 13th) ARDR, Ignis, NXT Trading fee 80% discount on Changelly Pro
■ (Nov 14th) Tarasca DAO Speaker session in ABDC Series for blockchain in Media / Art(@palheiro)
■(~Nov 15th) SmartVoting on mainnet
■ (Nov 19th) Alberto will participate at Galileo Blockchain webinar
■ (Nov 26th) Lior will be speaker at Crypto Economy Forum
■ (TBD) Sigbro App UI update
■ (Dec 1st) is ramping up activities around and towards the international GivingTuesday
■ (Dec) Ardor.World Big update including several new features
■ (TBD) Tarasca DAO’s Mythical Beings official launch
■ (TBD) Triffic — Launch of withdrawal feature and new block explorer for GPS child chain.
■ (TBD) Pruning on Ardor Testnet
■ (TBD) Ardor Roadmap update
■ (TBD) New dApp(Treecoin) introduction to community
■ (TBD) New dApp(Bogoshipo) announce / launch
■ (TBD) New Ardor Forum for technical discussion launch
■ (2021) Hourlong /Blockchain Educational Session Presentation — Association of Fundraising Professionals.
■ (2021) QualiSig prototype launch on Mainnet(Project Backed by Austria government)
■ (2021) Cycle4Value development(Funded by Austria government)
<Available now>
- Triffic( : A free augmented reality app that rewards you in crypto called GPS tokens
- GiveSafely( : A donation platform run by BBB Wise Giving alliance(
- Mythical Beings( : a collection of trading cards
- : A tool allows people to conveniently participate in the Bitswift ecosystem and provides gateway for BTC and ETH to Ardor platform.
- SmartVoting(Testnet, : Blockchain powered e-voting platform
- Sigbro App( : Cold storage and tools for securely signing and broadcasting transactions on Nxt, Ardor, and any other child chains
- Ardor Lite( : The most popular mobile Ardor wallet App
- : An independent website made for the convenience of Nxt / Ardor community.
- : A forum for Ardor community rewards you with ROCK Asset
- Nxter Magazine( : Ardor/NXT ecosystem magazine run from January 2014.
- Max Crowdfund( : The International Real Estate Crowdfunding Platform
- Bitswift Remote Agent(Https:// : A membership service provides the essentials customers need including secure cloud backup, remote access and security software.
- FreeBird( decentralized microblogging application built on Ardor.
<Coming soon>
- Esri Spain’s use case on Ardor : Esri is world №1 GIS software provider. Esri Spain is building tracking solution based on Ardor blockchain.
- Hotcity( : An Austrian project that would let citizens submit data about industrial waste heat spots for district heating, receiving tokens as reward.(Funded by Austrian Gov)
- QualiSig : Austrian Gov’t Pilot Aims to Secure COVID-19 Communications With Blockchain Tech
- Cycle4value( :Austrian project to encourage cycling as transportation
- Treecoin( : An STO project aiming to reforestation.
- Bogoshipo(Twitter @Bogoshipo_Pets) : A pet game on Ignis child chain
- Xendbit( : A fully decentralised blockchain platform that allows users to trade safely and securely without risking customer funds.
+More will soon get out of stealth mode.