Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion. — Michael Jordan

This Calendar will be updated on every Monday.
All informations below are aggregated from Ardor community. If you have some thing to update please send message to @Ardorbaby on Telegram.
■ On going, ABDC(Africa Blockchain Developers call) Series — Jelurida Africa
■ (Oct 26th) — #USElectionOnBlockchain due date
■ (Oct 26th) New listing — ARDR, IGNIS, NXT on Changelly Pro
-> Delayed. New listing date will delivered soon.
■ (Oct 28th) Ardor’s new use case showcase by ESRI
— — — — — — Done — — — — — —
■ (Oct 29th) Jelurida participates in 2020 Chengdu Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair — First International Blockchain Industry EXPO
■ (Oct 31st) Triffic speaker session in ABDC Series for Blockchain Games(@coinerz)
■ (Oct) Hotcity pilot test on Ardor mainnet(Project backed by Austria government)
■ (Nov 1st) Sigbro App UI update
■ (Nov 6th) “ and Blockchain in Fundraising and Giving” Lunch & Learn Presentation and Discussion with the Washington, DC Association of Fundraising Professionals
■ (Nov 14th) Tarasca DAO Speaker session in ABDC Series for blockchain in Media / Art(@palheiro)
■ (Dec 1st) is ramping up activities around and towards the international GivingTuesday
■ (Dec) Ardor.World Big update including several new features
■ (TBD) Tarasca DAO’s Mythical Beings official launch
■ (TBD) Triffic — Launch of withdrawal feature and new block explorer for GPS child chain.
■ (TBD) Pruning on Ardor Testnet
■ (TBD) Ardor Roadmap update
■ (TBD) Ardor Lite iOS update
■ (TBD) New dApp(Treecoin) introduction to community
■ (TBD) New dApp(Bogoshipo) announce / launch
■ (TBD) New Ardor Forum for technical discussion launch
■ (2021) Hourlong /Blockchain Educational Session Presentation — Association of Fundraising Professionals.
■ (2021) QualiSig prototype launch on Mainnet(Project Backed by Austria government)
■ (2021) Cycle4Value development(Funded by Austria government)
<Available now>
- Triffic( : A free augmented reality app that rewards you in crypto called GPS tokens
- GiveSafely( : A donation platform run by BBB Wise Giving alliance(
- Mythical Beings( : a collection of trading cards
- : A tool allows people to conveniently participate in the Bitswift ecosystem and provides gateway for BTC and ETH to Ardor platform.
- SmartVoting(Testnet, : Blockchain powered e-voting platform
- Sigbro App( : Cold storage and tools for securely signing and broadcasting transactions on Nxt, Ardor, and any other child chains
- Ardor Lite( : The most popular mobile Ardor wallet App
- : An independent website made for the convenience of Nxt / Ardor community.
- : A forum for Ardor community rewards you with ROCK Asset
- Nxter Magazine( : Ardor/NXT ecosystem magazine run from January 2014.
- Max Crowdfund( : The International Real Estate Crowdfunding Platform
- Bitswift Remote Agent(Https:// : A membership service provides the essentials customers need including secure cloud backup, remote access and security software.
<Coming soon>
- Hotcity( : An Austrian project that would let citizens submit data about industrial waste heat spots for district heating, receiving tokens as reward.(Funded by Austrian Gov)
- QualiSig : Austrian Gov’t Pilot Aims to Secure COVID-19 Communications With Blockchain Tech
- Cycle4value( :Austrian project to encourage cycling as transportation
- Treecoin( : An STO project aiming to reforestation.
- Bogoshipo(Twitter @Bogoshipo_Pets) : A pet game on Ignis child chain
- ESRI Spain’s use case on Ardor : ESRI is the world №1 geographic software provider. Details will be showcased soon.(New)
+More will soon get out of stealth mode.